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    Sprints logo48 early chapter books that increase in challenges and are always hilarious!

    Grades 2�3

    Illustration of dancing adult penguin and two penguin chicks Sprints includes many stories set in the home, school, or community where engaging characters face underlying issues relating to respect, friendship, caring, sharing, and honesty.
    • Stunning full-colour illustrations
    • Text types include contemporary fiction, mystery, fantasy, and adventure stories
    • Whimsical font treatments emphasize words and add a sense of fun
    • Characters are introduced at the beginning of each book to develop empathy and familiarity
    • Interesting author and illustrator biographies are included
    Three book covers: Who Let the Dinosaurs Out?, Whales I Have Rescued, and Storm Green
    32 pages each � Guided Reading Levels G�K
    two-page spread from Hamsterboy and the Agents From SHAC
    Hamsterboy and the Agents From SHAC
    • King Stink�I
    • The New Kid�H
    • Read Me Now!�K
    • Sam Snoop�H
    • Saving the World�J
    • Snookums and Poodle�I
    • Storm's Bright Idea�J
    • Zoo Goo�I
    • Andy the Champion�G
    • Billy Brain Box�K
    • Dad Disappears�H
    • Dad's Day Off�G
    • Diary of a Stinky Kid�J
    • Don't Interrupt!�I
    • Hamsterboy and the Agents From SHAC�H
    • Hamsterboy: The Birth of a Hero�J
    40 pages each � Guided Reading Levels K�M
    two-page spread from A Cold Spell
    A Cold Spell
    • Louie the Spy�L
    • My Robot Friend�M
    • Pickles�L
    • Professor Dinglebat�K
    • Sam Snoop and the Mystery of the Missing Jelly Beans�L
    • Slinky Inky�K
    • Snookums�L
    • Whales I Have Rescued�L
    • Cat-Napped?�L
    • The Chocolate Martions�L
    • A Cold Spell�K
    • Dad Helps Out�M
    • Gotcha!�K
    • Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow�M
    • Hamsterboy and the Interschool Vegetable Growing Competition�L
    • His Royal Spineless�L
    48 pages each � Guided Reading Levels M�N
    two-page spread from Princess Pop-a-Lot
    Princess Pop-a-Lot
    • Ollie Idol�N
    • Oodles of Animals�M
    • Polar Blast�N
    • Princess Pop-a-Lot�M
    • Professor Dinglebat and the Dynamic Dog De-Barker�N
    • Professor Dinglebat and the Revolutionary Raven Rescuer�N
    • Sam Snoop and the Mystery of the Pink Cupcakes�M
    • Who Let the Dinosaurs Out?�M
    • Bigfoot�M
    • Cricklewood Park�N
    • The Great Concrete Mix-Up�M
    • Hamsterboy and the Case of the Missing Lunchboy�M
    • Hamsterboy and the Case of the Trapped Kitty�M
    • The Homework Machine�M
    • Louie the Spy and the Abominable Compost Man�N
    • The Not-So-Crazy Scientist�M
    873248621092446.000WPRDLSTYNNYYNNNNYYNNYSCHTM & C 2009 SCHOLASTIC Canada Ltd. All rights reserved.Sprints (2-3)00000000001042SCH/LIST_ADD_TO_CART.GIF/IMAGES/SCH/CHECKOUT.GIFSCH/LIST_ADD_TO_CART.GIFSCH/CHECKOUT.GIFSCH/CHECKOUT.GIFFRI, 25-APR-2025 11:09:17 GMT010000000101EDUCATION.SCHOLASTIC.CAC0008001010000SPRINTSSPRINTS1<style type='text/css'> li.features { margin-bottom: 4px; } div.book_list { font-size: 10px; } div.spacer { clear: both; } span.cutlines { display: block; text-align: center; color: #666; font-weight: bold; } #green_header { height: 47px; background-image:url(''); clear: both; padding: 10px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 21px; } #yellow_header { height: 47px; background-image:url(''); clear: both; padding: 10px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 21px; } #purple_header { height: 47px; background-image:url(''); clear: both; padding: 10px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 21px; }</style><div id='sprints_wrapper' style='width: 575px; font-family: arial, verdana, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; padding-left: 10px;'><img src='' alt='Sprints logo' style='float: left; margin-right: 20px;' /><span style='color: #0E54DC; font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.6em;'>48 early chapter books that increase in challenges and are always hilarious!</span><p style='font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; clear: both;'> Grades 2�3</p><div style='clear: left; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px;'> <img src='' alt='Illustration of dancing adult penguin and two penguin chicks' style='float: right; margin-left: 10px;' /> <b>Sprints</b> includes many stories set in the home, school, or community where engaging characters face underlying issues relating to respect, friendship, caring, sharing, and honesty. <ul> <li class='features'>Stunning full-colour illustrations</li> <li class='features'>Text types include contemporary fiction, mystery, fantasy, and adventure stories</li> <li class='features'>Whimsical font treatments emphasize words and add a sense of fun</li> <li class='features'>Characters are introduced at the beginning of each book to develop empathy and familiarity</li> <li class='features'>Interesting author and illustrator biographies are included</li> </ul><img src='' alt='Three book covers: Who Let the Dinosaurs Out?, Whales I Have Rescued, and Storm' s=' bright=' idea'=' /></div><div id='green_header'> Green<br /> 32 pages each � Guided Reading Levels G�K</div><!--START GREEN COLUMNS--><div style='width: 191px; float: right; padding-top: 10px;'> <img src='' alt='two-page spread from Hamsterboy and the Agents From SHAC' style='border: 1px solid black;' /> <br /> <span class='cutlines'>Hamsterboy and the Agents From SHAC</span></div><div style='width: 190px; float: right;' class='book_list'> <!--[if lte ie 8]> <ul style='margin-left: 25px;'> <![endif]--> <!--[if!IE]--> <ul> <!--[endif]--> <li>King Stink�I</li> <li>The New Kid�H</li> <li>Read Me Now!�K</li> <li>Sam Snoop�H</li> <li>Saving the World�J</li> <li>Snookums and Poodle�I</li> <li>Storm's Bright Idea�J</li> <li>Zoo Goo�I</li> </ul></div><div style='width: 190px; float: right;' class='book_list'> <!--[if lte ie 8]> <ul style='margin-left: 25px;'> <![endif]--> <!--[if!IE]--> <ul> <!--[endif]--> <li>Andy the Champion�G</li> <li>Billy Brain Box�K</li> <li>Dad Disappears�H</li> <li>Dad's Day Off�G</li> <li>Diary of a Stinky Kid�J</li> <li>Don't Interrupt!�I</li> <li>Hamsterboy and the Agents From SHAC�H</li> <li>Hamsterboy: The Birth of a Hero�J</li> </ul></div><div class='spacer'> </div><!--END GREEN COLUMNS--><div id='yellow_header'> Yellow<br /> 40 pages each � Guided Reading Levels K�M</div><!--BEGIN YELLOW COLUMNS--><div style='width: 191px; float: right; padding-top: 10px;'> <img src='' alt='two-page spread from A Cold Spell' style='border: 1px solid black;' /> <br /> <span class='cutlines'>A Cold Spell</span></div><div style='width: 190px; float: right;' class='book_list'> <!--[if lte ie 8]> <ul style='margin-left: 25px;'> <![endif]--> <!--[if!IE]--> <ul> <!--[endif]--> <li>Louie the Spy�L</li> <li>My Robot Friend�M</li> <li>Pickles�L</li> <li>Professor Dinglebat�K</li> <li>Sam Snoop and the Mystery of the Missing Jelly Beans�L</li> <li>Slinky Inky�K</li> <li>Snookums�L</li> <li>Whales I Have Rescued�L</li> </ul></div><div style='width: 190px; float: right;' class='book_list'> <!--[if lte ie 8]> <ul style='margin-left: 25px;'> <![endif]--> <!--[if!IE]--> <ul> <!--[endif]--> <li>Cat-Napped?�L</li> <li>The Chocolate Martions�L</li> <li>A Cold Spell�K</li> <li>Dad Helps Out�M</li> <li>Gotcha!�K</li> <li>Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow�M</li> <li>Hamsterboy and the Interschool Vegetable Growing Competition�L</li> <li>His Royal Spineless�L</li> </ul></div><div class='spacer'> </div><!--END YELLOW COLUMNS--><div id='purple_header'> Purple<br /> 48 pages each � Guided Reading Levels M�N</div><div style='width: 191px; float: right; padding-top: 10px;'> <img src='' alt='two-page spread from Princess Pop-a-Lot' style='border: 1px solid black;' /> <br /> <span class='cutlines'>Princess Pop-a-Lot</span></div><div style='width: 190px; float: right;' class='book_list'> <!--[if lte ie 8]> <ul style='margin-left: 25px;'> <![endif]--> <!--[if!IE]--> <ul> <!--[endif]--> <li>Ollie Idol�N</li> <li>Oodles of Animals�M</li> <li>Polar Blast�N</li> <li>Princess Pop-a-Lot�M</li> <li>Professor Dinglebat and the Dynamic Dog De-Barker�N</li> <li>Professor Dinglebat and the Revolutionary Raven Rescuer�N</li> <li>Sam Snoop and the Mystery of the Pink Cupcakes�M</li> <li>Who Let the Dinosaurs Out?�M</li> </ul></div><div style='width: 190px; float: right;' class='book_list'> <!--[if lte ie 8]> <ul style='margin-left: 25px;'> <![endif]--> <!--[if!IE]--> <ul> <!--[endif]--> <li>Bigfoot�M</li> <li>Cricklewood Park�N</li> <li>The Great Concrete Mix-Up�M</li> <li>Hamsterboy and the Case of the Missing Lunchboy�M</li> <li>Hamsterboy and the Case of the Trapped Kitty�M</li> <li>The Homework Machine�M</li> <li>Louie the Spy and the Abominable Compost Man�N</li> <li>The Not-So-Crazy Scientist�M</li> </ul> </div><div class='spacer'> </div></div>
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