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    Photo of Know Better, Do Better
    ISBN: 9781546113874
    Price: $48.99
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    Title:Know Better, Do Better
    Subtitle:Fueling the Reading Brain With Knowledge, Vocabulary, and Rich Language
    n this timely book, the Libens explore what kids truly need to comprehend texts. Focusing on vocabulary, knowledge building, and language structures, they offer ideas to put into action now. Most Professional Learning titles qualify for a 25% discount. Please order through Customer Service at 1-800-268-3848 or to receive this discount.
    Author:    David Liben
    Grade Level:    Kindergarten-8
    Pages:    160
    Topic:    Professional Development
    Curriculum Links:    Language Arts

    639948124213201.000WPRDPGEYNNNYNNNYYYNNYSCHTM & C 2009 SCHOLASTIC Canada Ltd. All rights reserved.Know Better, Do Better00000000000192SCH/LIST_ADD_TO_CART.GIF/IMAGES/SCH/CHECKOUT.GIFSCH/LIST_ADD_TO_CART.GIFSCH/CHECKOUT.GIFSCH/CHECKOUT.GIFN0000000005SAT, 26-APR-2025 03:08:09 GMTN01EDUCATION.SCHOLASTIC.CAC9781546113874/IMAGES/SCHITEM/DETAIL/9781546113874.jpg48.990n this timely book, the Libens explore what kids truly need to comprehend texts. Focusing on vocabulary, knowledge building, and language structures, they offer ideas to put into action now. Most Professional Learning titles qualify for a 25% discount. Please order through Customer Service at 1-800-268-3848 or to receive this discount..0000000Know Better, Do BetterFueling the Reading Brain With Knowledge, Vocabulary, and Rich Language9781546113874NN0N
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    TM & C 2009 SCHOLASTIC Canada Ltd. All rights reserved.