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    Photo of Radical Listening: Reading and Writing Conferences to Reach All Students
    ISBN: 9781338809992
    Price: $48.99
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    Title:Radical Listening: Reading and Writing Conferences to Reach All Students
    Dan Feigelson refocuses reading and writing conferences to help all students reach their full potential. His practical approach centers on active listening-an equitable way to listen to, learn from, and guide students. His book is packed with sample conferernces, if/then strategies, rubrics, tips, and record keeping forms for starting conferences and keeping them going. Most Professional Learning titles qualify for a 25% discount. Please order through Customer Service at 1-800-268-3848 or to receive this discount.
    Author:    Dan Feigelson
    Grade Level:    2-8
    Pages:    176
    Topic:    Literacy, Professional Development

    390747678576965.000WPRDPGEYNNNYNNNYYYNNYSCHTM & C 2009 SCHOLASTIC Canada Ltd. All rights reserved.Radical Listening: Reading and Writing Conferenc00000000000201SCH/LIST_ADD_TO_CART.GIF/IMAGES/SCH/CHECKOUT.GIFSCH/LIST_ADD_TO_CART.GIFSCH/CHECKOUT.GIFSCH/CHECKOUT.GIFN0000000005SAT, 26-APR-2025 07:50:26 GMTN01EDUCATION.SCHOLASTIC.CAC9781338809992/IMAGES/SCHITEM/DETAIL/9781338809992.jpg48.990Dan Feigelson refocuses reading and writing conferences to help all students reach their full potential. His practical approach centers on active listening-an equitable way to listen to, learn from, and guide students. His book is packed with sample conferernces, if/then strategies, rubrics, tips, and record keeping forms for starting conferences and keeping them going. Most Professional Learning titles qualify for a 25% discount. Please order through Customer Service at 1-800-268-3848 or to receive this discount..0000000Radical Listening: Reading and Writing Conferences to Reach All Students9781338809992NN0N
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    TM & C 2009 SCHOLASTIC Canada Ltd. All rights reserved.