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    Photo of The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading
    ISBN: 9781338161113
    Price: $70.99
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    Title:The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading
    Subtitle:An Assess-Decide-Guide Framework for Supporting Every
    All the planning and instructional tools you need to teach guided reading well, from pre-A to fluent, organized around Richardson's proven Assess-Decide-Guide framework.Prompts, discussion starters, teaching points, word lists, intervention suggestions, and more to support all students, including dual language learners and struggling readers.29 comprehension modules that cover essential strategies, monitoring, retelling, inferring, summarizing, and many others.Plus an online resource bank with dozens of downloadable assessment and record-keeping forms, Richardson's all-new, stage-specific lesson plan templates.More than 40 short videos showing Jan modeling key parts of guided reading lessons for every stage.Most Professional Learning titles qualify for a 25% discount. Please order through Customer Service at 1-800-268-3848 or to receive this discount.
    Author:    Jan Richardson
    Grade Level:    Kindergarten-8
    Pages:    336
    Publication Date:    01/11/2016
    Topic:    Guided Reading
    Curriculum Links:    Language Arts
    Format:    spiral bound book

    279323692567844.000WPRDPGEYNNNYNNNYYYNNYSCHTM & C 2009 SCHOLASTIC Canada Ltd. All rights reserved.The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading00000000000194SCH/LIST_ADD_TO_CART.GIF/IMAGES/SCH/CHECKOUT.GIFSCH/LIST_ADD_TO_CART.GIFSCH/CHECKOUT.GIFSCH/CHECKOUT.GIFN0000000005SUN, 27-APR-2025 19:59:47 GMTN01EDUCATION.SCHOLASTIC.CAC9781338161113/IMAGES/SCHITEM/DETAIL/9781338161113.jpg70.990All the planning and instructional tools you need to teach guided reading well, from pre-A to fluent, organized around Richardson's proven Assess-Decide-Guide framework.Prompts, discussion starters, teaching points, word lists, intervention suggestions, and more to support all students, including dual language learners and struggling readers.29 comprehension modules that cover essential strategies, monitoring, retelling, inferring, summarizing, and many others.Plus an online resource bank with dozens of downloadable assessment and record-keeping forms, Richardson's all-new, stage-specific lesson plan templates.More than 40 short videos showing Jan modeling key parts of guided reading lessons for every stage.Most Professional Learning titles qualify for a 25% discount. Please order through Customer Service at 1-800-268-3848 or to receive this discount..0000000The Next Step Forward in Guided ReadingAn Assess-Decide-Guide Framework for Supporting Every9781338161113NN0N
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    TM & C 2009 SCHOLASTIC Canada Ltd. All rights reserved.