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    Photo of Rime Magic
    ISBN: 9781338088243
    Price: $169.99
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    Title:Rime Magic
    With Rime Magic, teachers carry out instruction using various sets of cards and lessons. The cards contain onsets and rimes that students identify, analyze, and combine into words�like magic! The onset and rime lessons help students �crack the code� of the written word and, when used repeatedly, bolster reading proficiency. Over time, word recognition becomes more automatic, leading to enhanced comprehension and fluency. Each kit contains: � Magic Rime Cards (two sets� total of 60 cards) � Power Pak Cards (one set�450 cards representing 30 key rimes with 15 rime-embedded words each for intervention work) � Endings and Short Vowels Cards � Poem Cards � Three trade books: What Bears Like, Frog and Toad Are Friends, and Fables � Rime Word Spelling Activity Sheet, Base Word Constancy Activity Sheet, Long Vowel Spelling Activity Sheet, and a Word Juggling Sheet
    Author:    Sharon Zinke
    Grade Level:    1-8
    Pages:    112
    Publication Date:    01/12/2016
    Topic:    Struggling Students
    Curriculum Links:    Language Arts
    Format:    Kit

    471460503550041.000WPRDPGEYNNNYNNNYYYNNYSCHTM & C 2009 SCHOLASTIC Canada Ltd. All rights reserved.Rime Magic00000000000202SCH/LIST_ADD_TO_CART.GIF/IMAGES/SCH/CHECKOUT.GIFSCH/LIST_ADD_TO_CART.GIFSCH/CHECKOUT.GIFSCH/CHECKOUT.GIFN0000000005SUN, 19-MAY-2024 15:56:37 GMTN01EDUCATION.SCHOLASTIC.CAC9781338088243/IMAGES/SCHITEM/DETAIL/9781338088243.jpg169.990With Rime Magic, teachers carry out instruction using various sets of cards and lessons. The cards contain onsets and rimes that students identify, analyze, and combine into words�like magic! The onset and rime lessons help students �crack the code� of the written word and, when used repeatedly, bolster reading proficiency. Over time, word recognition becomes more automatic, leading to enhanced comprehension and fluency. Each kit contains: � Magic Rime Cards (two sets� total of 60 cards) � Power Pak Cards (one set�450 cards representing 30 key rimes with 15 rime-embedded words each for intervention work) � Endings and Short Vowels Cards � Poem Cards � Three trade books: What Bears Like, Frog and Toad Are Friends, and Fables � Rime Word Spelling Activity Sheet, Base Word Constancy Activity Sheet, Long Vowel Spelling Activity Sheet, and a Word Juggling Sheet.0000000Rime Magic9781338088243NN0N
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    TM & C 2009 SCHOLASTIC Canada Ltd. All rights reserved.