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    Kindergarten Inquiry Unit

    Caring for the World — How do we care for the world?

    Big Ideas
    • stewardship
    • sustainability
    Curriculum Connections
    • art
    • music
    • drama
    • writing

    Students explore the inquiry question by considering how they can take responsibility for looking after the natural world. Opportunities for oral language and playful learning are woven throughout as students discuss, dramatize taking care of pandas and creating a community garden, organize and run a schoolyard clean-up day, grow and take care of plants, and paint pictures of ways they would take care of the world. Working with Words lessons accompany each Shared Reading text, and a text-type writing study invites students to write about a positive action to take care of the world.

    Cover of Panda Kindergarten Read Aloud — Panda Kindergarten

    Non-fiction: Description — Account
    A photographic journey through the life of young panda cubs born at the Wolong Nature Reserve in China.

    Partner-Shared Reading Texts

    These Partner-Shared reading texts can develop and extend students' understanding of taking care of their local environment.

    Cover of Somebody Cared for a Flower Somebody Cared for a Flower
    Fiction: Narrative — Poem
    • 1 Big Book
    • 6 small book versions

    A poem describes how a child saves a flower in a littered piece of ground, and how this small action leads to the development of a community garden.

    Cover of Clean Up Litter Clean Up Litter
    Non-fiction: Persuasive — Poster
    • 1 Poster

    A poster advertises a clean-up day in the schoolyard. Students are given reasons for picking up litter and some tips on doing it safely.

    Cover of Caring for the World Audio CD Audio CD
    Audio CD with fluent readings of Somebody Cared for a Flower and Clean Up Litter.

    Cover of Caring for the World DVD DVD
    DVD digital versions of the two Shared Reading texts, Somebody Cared for a Flower and Clean Up Litter.

    Cover of Caring for the World Teaching Guide Teaching Guide — print and online

    Includes support for launching the inquiry, using the Read Aloud and Shared Reading texts, ELL support, large and small letter cards BLMs, Working with Words BLM, a text-type writing study of a sentence including a reason, assessment rubric for stating a reason, student self-assessment, inquiry assessment, Oral Language Assessment Scale, as well as book handling and print tracking assessment.
    Ideas for further reading and extending the inquiry are also included.
    354355065715926.000WPRDLSTYNNYYNNNNYYNNYSCHTM & C 2009 SCHOLASTIC Canada Ltd. All rights reserved.Kindergarten: Caring for the World00000000001246SCH/LIST_ADD_TO_CART.GIF/IMAGES/SCH/CHECKOUT.GIFSCH/LIST_ADD_TO_CART.GIFSCH/CHECKOUT.GIFSCH/CHECKOUT.GIFTHURS, 10-APR-2025 13:59:58 GM010000001246EDUCATION.SCHOLASTIC.CAC0008001010000LP-PLUS-K-CARING-FOR-WORLDLP-PLUS-K-CARING-FOR-WORLD1<!--IMAGE PATH FOR REVISED LPEY PAGES: --><!--The following script line only needs to be inlcuded if you are using jQuery--><script type='text/javascript' src=''> </script><!--Code to remove left menu-bar--><script> $(document).ready(function() {$('#LeftMenu').hide();});</script><style type='text/css'> #main-content-wrapper { float: right; width: 575px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 24px; padding-left: 10px; text-align: left; } #lpey-header { font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; color: #2e3192; margin-bottom: 20px; } .text-headings { font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; color: #2e3192; } .lp-plus-bullet-headers { margin-bottom: 2px; } .lp-plus-lists { margin-top: 0px; } div.minor-break { border-top: 1px solid #2e3192; width: 15%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; margin-top: 10px; } .inq-unit-title { font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; color: #5d1b6a; background-color: #e7dde9; padding: 10px; border-radius: 10px; } .framing-question { font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; color: #000; } #big-ideas { width: 33%; float: left; } #curriculum-connections { width: 33%; float: right; margin-right: 180px; } #PRDLIST { position: relative; left: 250px; }</style><script type='text/javascript' src=''></script><div id='main-content-wrapper'> <div id='lpey-header'> <noscript><img src='' style='float: left;' alt='Literacy Place for the Early Years logo' /></noscript><!--nocscript tags in this div are designed to add a logo in the event that the left-hand menu doesn't show up--> Kindergarten Inquiry Unit <noscript><div style='clear: both;'></div></noscript> </div> <p class='inq-unit-title'>Caring for the World &mdash; <span class='framing-question'>How do we care for the world?</span></p> <div id='big-ideas'> <span class='text-headings lp-plus-bullet-headers'>Big Ideas</span> <ul class='lp-plus-lists'> <li>stewardship</li> <li>sustainability</li> </ul> </div> <div id='curriculum-connections'> <span class='text-headings lp-plus-bullet-headers'>Curriculum Connections</span> <ul class='lp-plus-lists'> <li>art</li> <li>music</li> <li>drama</li> <li>writing</li> </ul> </div> <p style='clear: both;'>Students explore the inquiry question by considering how they can take responsibility for looking after the natural world. Opportunities for oral language and playful learning are woven throughout as students discuss, dramatize taking care of pandas and creating a community garden, organize and run a schoolyard clean-up day, grow and take care of plants, and paint pictures of ways they would take care of the world. Working with Words lessons accompany each Shared Reading text, and a text-type writing study invites students to write about a positive action to take care of the world.</p> <hr color='#aaa' size='1'> <p class='text-headings' style='margin-bottom: 0px;'> <img src='' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;' alt='Cover of Panda Kindergarten' /> Read Aloud &mdash; <span style='color: #5d1b6a; font-style: italic;'>Panda Kindergarten</span> </p> Non-fiction: Description &mdash; Account<br />A photographic journey through the life of young panda cubs born at the Wolong Nature Reserve in China.<br clear='all' /><hr color='#aaa' size='1'> <p class='text-headings' style='margin-bottom: 10px;'>Partner-Shared Reading Texts</p> <p style='clear: both;'>These Partner-Shared reading texts can develop and extend students' understanding of taking care of their local environment.</p> <img src='' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;' alt='Cover of Somebody Cared for a Flower' /> <span style='font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; color: #5d1b6a;'>Somebody Cared for a Flower</span><br /> Fiction: Narrative &mdash; Poem<br /> <ul style='margin-left: 165px; margin-top: 0px;'> <li>1 Big Book</li> <li>6 small book versions</li> </ul> <p style='margin-left: 135px;'>A poem describes how a child saves a flower in a littered piece of ground, and how this small action leads to the development of a community garden.</p> <br clear='all' /> <img src='' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;' alt='Cover of Clean Up Litter' /> <span style='font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; color: #5d1b6a;'>Clean Up Litter</span><br /> Non-fiction: Persuasive &mdash; Poster<br /> <ul style='margin-left: 165px; margin-top: 0px;'> <li>1 Poster</li> </ul> <p style='margin-left: 135px;'>A poster advertises a clean-up day in the schoolyard. Students are given reasons for picking up litter and some tips on doing it safely.</p> <p style='margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 40px;'> <img src='' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;' alt='Cover of Caring for the World Audio CD' /> <b>Audio CD</b><br />Audio CD with fluent readings of <i>Somebody Cared for a Flower</i> and <i>Clean Up Litter</i>.</p> <p style='margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 40px;'> <img src='' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;' alt='Cover of Caring for the World DVD' /> <b>DVD</b><br />DVD digital versions of the two Shared Reading texts, <i>Somebody Cared for a Flower</i> and <i>Clean Up Litter</i>.</p> <hr color='#aaa' size='1'> <p class='text-headings' style='margin-bottom: 0px;'> <img src='' style='float: right; margin-left: 10px;' alt='Cover of Caring for the World Teaching Guide' /> Teaching Guide &mdash; print and online</p>Includes support for launching the inquiry, using the Read Aloud and Shared Reading texts, ELL support, large and small letter cards BLMs, Working with Words BLM, a text-type writing study of a sentence including a reason, assessment rubric for stating a reason, student self-assessment, inquiry assessment, Oral Language Assessment Scale, as well as book handling and print tracking assessment. <br />Ideas for further reading and extending the inquiry are also included.</div>
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    TM & C 2009 SCHOLASTIC Canada Ltd. All rights reserved.