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    Photo of Upside-Down Magic
    ISBN: 9780545800464
    Price: $7.99
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    Title:Upside-Down Magic
    It's never easy when your magic goes wonky. For Nory, this means that instead of being able to turn into a dragon or a kitten, she turns into both of them at the same time -- a dritten. For Elliott, the simple act of conjuring fire from his fingertips turns into a fully frozen failure. For Andres, wonky magic means he's always floating in the air, bouncing off the walls, or sitting on the ceiling. For Bax, a bad moment of magic will turn him into a . . . actually, he'd rather not talk about that. Nory, Elliott, Andres, and Bax are just four of the students in Dunwiddle Magic School's Upside-Down Magic class. In their classroom, lessons are unconventional, students are unpredictable, and magic has a tendency to turn wonky at the worst possible moments. Because it's always amazing, the trouble a little wonky magic can cause . . .
    Author:    Emily Jenkins, Lauren Myracle, Emily Jenkins
    Grade Level:    4-6
    Pages:    208
    Publication Date:    01/09/2016
    Topic:    Independent Reading
    Genre:    Fiction
    Genre:    Fantasy

    156805546861725.000WPRDPGEYNNNYNNNYYYNNYSCHTM & C 2009 SCHOLASTIC Canada Ltd. All rights reserved.Upside-Down Magic00000000000617SCH/LIST_ADD_TO_CART.GIF/IMAGES/SCH/CHECKOUT.GIFSCH/LIST_ADD_TO_CART.GIFSCH/CHECKOUT.GIFSCH/CHECKOUT.GIFN0000000598MON, 20-MAY-2024 05:36:18 GMTN01EDUCATION.SCHOLASTIC.CAC9780545800464/IMAGES/SCHITEM/DETAIL/9780545800464.jpg7.990It's never easy when your magic goes wonky. For Nory, this means that instead of being able to turn into a dragon or a kitten, she turns into both of them at the same time -- a dritten. For Elliott, the simple act of conjuring fire from his fingertips turns into a fully frozen failure. For Andres, wonky magic means he's always floating in the air, bouncing off the walls, or sitting on the ceiling. For Bax, a bad moment of magic will turn him into a . . . actually, he'd rather not talk about that. Nory, Elliott, Andres, and Bax are just four of the students in Dunwiddle Magic School's Upside-Down Magic class. In their classroom, lessons are unconventional, students are unpredictable, and magic has a tendency to turn wonky at the worst possible moments. Because it's always amazing, the trouble a little wonky magic can cause . . ..0000000Upside-Down Magic9780545800464NN0N
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    TM & C 2009 SCHOLASTIC Canada Ltd. All rights reserved.